Thursday 11 October 2012

Audience Feedback from Pitch #3

After showing my third pitch (my apocalypse idea) to my media class, I received some feedback.

Because of the fact that I haven't yet got a concrete storyline for my film idea, i was expecting some questions about the plot. Hopefully though, those questions will be answered soon!

Lily Vosper: I like the idea of location and the use of saturation. I think as long as it has a solid storyline it will be brilliant.
Jake Brownbill: I love the look of the location. It's eerie, weird and definitely post-apocalyptic. With such a cool location, you have headway to make something either really subtle or really ambitious.
Beatrice Norman: The location is really cool and you could do some really good effects with that! But I think it also depends on what story you could come up to go with it.
Alice Leng : I loved the location, and think that you could really do something great with that as already you have the advantage of atmosphere and therefore a realistic feel. Firstly are you able to film there, do you need to gain any permission etc? And also the idea is starting to be developed, with a character a starting to emerge but have you thought about what will actually happen during the short?
Caitlin Robbins: This is a really good idea, I think you need to get a solid idea before committing to the film. Have you thought about how many characters you're going to have or how they survived? I think it would work really well once you've got a plot.
Lizzie Starling: Great location, and will work really well for the theme and idea you have in mind. It will create a really strong, realistic piece; as well as standing out and being original. Do you have more ideas in mind for storyline?
Nicole O'Malley: Really liked how you inserted clips of the location so that we were able to understand your 'vision'. Obviously you haven't yet thought of an actual idea, but have you yet considered characters, props etc. which will fit with the genre?
Farah Hamouda: I like the research you have done into your location, I think it is unique and will work very well. I like the idea of a post-apocalyptic theme - that stuff REALLY scares me! You'll need to start planning to make sure that you can use the location and the actual plot - what else is going to happen? Are any characters going to be introduced? I like it :-)
Martha Rumney: Clearly you have thought a lot about your idea, regarding location. I think it’s a great basis, you’re very lucky to have found such a great location for you to work with. I think a lot of people will connect to this as I’m pretty sure everyone has some kind of interest in the apocalypse. Looking forward to hearing your plot idea. 
Ben 'Gary' Hurst: Very good imagery of what you would plan how you plan to use the scenery. What story would stand out against other short films that involve a post-apocalyptic world?
Aimee Shingfield: I like the location, and the photos you incorporated are great. However, you haven't said much about the plot, just the basic idea - which is a good one! Just research more into the location, and the apocalypse etc. Have you thought about what kind of characters you would have in the short film, and how many?

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