Saturday 8 September 2012

Character 1 from Film idea 1: Biography

This is the character biography for the ex-convict from Idea 1 of the 'Brainstorming' blog post:

General details:
Name: Myles Crawford
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Weight: Around 20 stone
Height: 6ft 4
Build: Tall and muscular - almost threatening looking.
Hair colour: None, he is bald
Eye colour: Very dark brown
Right or left handed: Right
Nationality: African-American
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Disabilities: None
Glasses: Only for reading
Smoker: Yes
Marital Status: Divorced
Favourite colour: Dark blue
Star sign: Leo
Birth stone: Peridot

Habits: Getting up at 6am every morning to pray, taking multivitamins, is overprotective of people he cares for, worries a lot.
Religion: Christian (Protestant) which he converted to while he was in prison. He was previously an atheist.
Morals: Myles follows the morals of Christianity.
Phobia(s): Automatonophobia- Fear of ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues - anything that falsely represents a sentient being.

Description of voice: Very deep sounding voice with a prominent ‘deep south’ accent. Speaks quite slowly so he can express himself clearly, swears only occasionally, overuses the word ‘man’ as a generic name for people
Hobbies: Likes jazz music and volunteering for charity projects, doesn’t watch a lot of tv or read many books, has large array of bandanas – enjoys collecting them.
Emotions: Generally a calm individual but can get very angry if provoked though usually manages to keep emotions under control. Relationships with friends are calm while relationships between partners are a mixture of gentle and passionate.
Likability: Respected due to the amount of charity work he undertakes and admired by the local townsfolk, only disliked by the youth delinquents as they know that Myles could easily put them in their place if he needed to. Myles is pretty happy about who he is but would like to look a little less threatening as he feels it gives the wrong impression.
Dependant or independent: Fairly independent since divorce and imprisonment – had to learn to fend for himself.
Life goal(s): When he was younger, all he wanted was to settle down and have a family. He’s been married and divorced, without a family yet he has given up on his dream as he believes that his ex-wife was his one shot at a family. His goal now is to find out what happened to him and he dreams of regaining his memory.
Funeral plans: He doesn’t want to die until he knows what happened to him when he had the accident. Wants to be cremated & have ‘Only the Lonely’ by Roy Orbison played at his funeral

Living arrangements: Living alone in a rented apartment in the town centre. The apartment costs $500 a month to rent and has 2 bedrooms.
Occupation: Currently unemployed as no companies will take him on due to his criminal record. In an effort to reduce the prominence of this, Myles does a lot of charity work.
Family: Myles’ parents live in the neighbouring state so he doesn’t see them very often but they’ve never been overly caring parents, especially since he was put in prison. They don’t talk much and they are not aware that he has a gap in his memory. Myles’ parents have been married for 27 years which is where Myles got the dream of being married and settling down from. Myles has inherited his height and build from his father while he has his mother’s face and personality.
Education: Myles went to the local public schools and was an average student. He never really excelled at anything though was never very bad at anything either. When Myles was a student, he wanted to be a mechanic and pursued this by getting a job at the local garage at the age of fourteen where he learnt all about bikes. Bikes quickly became his passion.

In the story
Relationship to others: Myles is close friends to his mirror, the prison guard as the pair of them would get on well despite the fact that they weren’t meant to talk in a social capacity. He is both the hero and the villain as he is conflicting against himself and his past identity.
How I want the audience to feel about them: Despite the fact that Myles has committed a crime and broken the law – technically making him a criminal, I want the audience to feel sympathetic for Myles because of how lost he is. He is missing a chunk of his memory and he has to stumble around the world not knowing his own sins. For that I think that the audience will think of him more as a hero than a villain.
Goal(s): To find out what caused him to lose his memory and discover what actually happened the night of the crime.

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